CRUGER, Miss Mary, novelist, born in Oscawana, N. Y., 9th May 1834. She belongs to the well-known Cruger family of Knglish descent, whose members have always held distinguished positions in American society, since the days when Henry Cruger, who with Edmund Burke represented the City of Bristol in the British Parliament, zealously and ably advocated the cause of American independence. Miss Cruger is one of the children of the late Nicholas Cruger, of Westchester county, New York. Her father was educated in West Point and held the position of captain in the 4th Infantry of the regular army at the time of his marriage to Miss Eliza Kortright, daughter of Captain Kortright, of the British Army. He shortly afterward: left the army and built a house in Oscawana, on the Hudson. There most of the children were born and grew up, till the death of both parents broke up the family circle. Shortly afterwards Miss Cruger built a house near Montrose, N. Y., where she has since resided, and w here most of her literary work has been accomplished. At her home, called "Wood Rest." she lives a unique and poetical life. Miss Cruger's first published work was "Hyperesthesia" (New York, 1885). Her next book was called "A Den of thieves, or the Lay-Reader of St. Marks " (New-York, 18S6). She then published her third novel, "The Vanderheyde Manor-House" (New York, 1887), which was followed by "How She Did It" (New York, 1888). "How She Did It" was a great success, and gave Miss Cruger a personal as well as an extended literary fame. "Brotherhood " (Boston, 1891) is her latest publication. Humanity is her watchword and inspiration. Tragic as must always be the result of such short-sighted struggles as those that occur between labor and capital, that story goes far toward solving a great problem.