< Woman of the Century

LINCOLN, Mrs. Martha D., author and journalist, widely known by her pen-name, "Bessie Beech," born near Richfield Springs, N. Y., in 1838. She was educated in Whitestown Seminary, N. Y. When she was sixteen years old she began her MARTHA D. LINCOLN A woman of the century (page 472 crop).jpgMARTHA D. LINCOLN. literary career in numerous contributions to the Dover, N. H., "Morning Star," now published in Boston, Mass She became the wife of H. M. Lincoln, a medical student of Canandaigua, N. Y., in 1858. Soon after her marriage she became a regular contributor to "Moore's Rural New Yorker," the "Morning Star" and the "Northern Christian Advocate." Her husband's health became impaired, and in 1871 they moved to Washington, D. C., to secure a warmer climate. The financial crisis of 1871 and 1872 wrecked his fortune. Then Mrs. Lincoln took up journalistic work in earnest. She became the correspondent of the old "Daily Chronicle," the "Republican," the "Union," the "Republic," and several Sunday journals, and retained her connection with papers outside of Washington. In January, 1878, she contributed to the New York "Times" a description of President Haves' silver wedding, and, 20th June, 1878, she described the Hastings-Platt wedding in the White House for the New York "Tribune." She corresponded for the New York "Sun" and the Jamestown "Daily Journal" during the same year She reported for the Cleveland "Plain Dealer" and the New York "Tribune" and "Sun." The amount of work she turned out was remarkable. On 10th July, 1882, she, with two other journalists in Washington, organized the Woman's National Press Association, the first chartered woman's press organization in the world. She became its first secretary, and afterwards for several years served the organization as president. With all her journalistic work she is domestic in her taste and an excellent house-keeper. Her literary work includes some superior verse. Much of her best work is included in her "Beech Leaves," which are being illustrated for publication, and her late work, "Central Figures in American Science." She is doing a great amount of literary work, as biographical sketches of famous women, illustrated articles and poems for children. In 1891 she was appointed delegate to the International Peace Congress, in Rome, Italy, and again, in 1892, delegate to the Peace Congress, in Berne, Switzerland. The same year she was elected president of the American Society of Authors, for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln have a delightful home in Washington, where they have resided since 1870. Their only child, a son, recently married, has, as Mrs. Lincoln says, given her the latest and grandest title, that of "Grandma," which has been one of her coveted honors.

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