TODD, Mrs. Marion, author, lawyer and political economist, born in Plymouth. N.Y., March, 1841. Her parents were educated New Englanders. Her father died when she was ten years old, and she was compelled to earn her living. At the age of seventeen she began to teach school, and she remained in the ranks until she became the wife of Benjamin Todd. Her husband was an able speaker, and he induced her to go on the lecture platform. In 1879 she began to study law in Hastings College. San Francisco, Cal. Her husband died in 1880, leaving her with one child, a daughter. In 1881 she was admitted to the bar, and at once opened a law office. In 1882 she was nominated for attorney-general of California by the Greenback party of that State. Her nomination was the first of the kind, and she stumped the State, making speeches for the Greeback party. In 1883 she went as a delegate to the first national anti-monopoly convention, held in Chicago, III., and in 1884 she again attended the convention in the same city, in that year she attended the Greenback convention in Indianapolis, Ind., and served as a member of the committee on platform. She spoke in each campaign from 1883 to 1886. She then returned to California, to conduct a number of important law cases. She joined the Knights of Labor in Michigan, and