ANDREWS, Mrs. Marie Louise, story writer and journalist, born in Bedford, Ind., 31st October, 1849. She was the second daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin and Louise A. Newland, who were educated and intellectual persons. Her early life was spent in Bedford. She was educated mainly in private schools. She was a student in St. Mary’s-of-the-Woods, in St. Agnes' Hall, Terre Haute Ind., and in Hungerford Institute, Adams, N. Y. The last-named institute was destroyed by fire shortly before commencement, so that Miss Newland was not formally graduated. She was married on 15th May, 1875, to Albert M. Andrews, of Seymour, Ind. In 1877 they removed to Connersville, Ind., where Mr. Andrews engaged in the drug business. They had one child, a son. Sirs. Adams died on 7th February, 1891, in Connersville, Ind. She was thoroughly educated. She spoke French and German and was familiar with Latin and the literature of the modern languages. Her literary tastes were displayed in her earliest years. She wrote much, in both verse and prose, but she never published her productions in book form. She was the originator of the Western Association of Writers, and served as its secretary from its organization until June, 1888, when she insisted on retiring from the office. Among her acquaintances were many of the prominent writers of the West, and at the annual conventions of the Western Association of Writers she was always a conspicuous member. She foresaw the growth of literature in the West, and her ideas of that growth and of the best means of fostering it are embodied in the organization which she founded. That association has already been the means of introducing scores of talented young writers to the public, and it alone is a worthy monument to Mrs. Andrews. She was a brilliant conversationalist and an effective impromptu speaker.