GUZMAN, Madame Marie Ester, social leader, born in Baltimore, Md. She is the wife of Señor Don Horacio Guzman, minister from Nicaragua to the United States. Her grandfather, Hon. Samuel Ewing, belonged to the old Maryland family of that name. He was a member of the bar and a life-long resident of Philadelphia, Pa. Her father, Rev. Charles Henry Ewing, was a theologian. He married a Miss Page, of Virginia, and was also a resident of Philadelphia. Although Madame Guzman was born in Baltimore, while her parents were temporarily residing there, her early life was spent in Philadelphia, except the time she spent in Boston, studying the languages and music. The death of her mother occurred in her girlhood, and much responsibility rested on her in presiding over her father's household. While Señor Guzman was in this country, in 1878, attending the Jefferson College in Philadelphia, as a medical student, Miss Ewing met him. Señor Guzman was graduated, and after two years of acquaintance their marriage took place, and Dr. Guzman took his bride to Granada. His father, one of the former presidents of Granada, was an active politican, but Dr. Guzman, always devoted to medical science, built up a large and extensive practice in Granada and became a recognized leader in literature as well as medical science. Madame Guzman is a good musician, sings well, and is devoted to her home. She has studied every phase of life and character in Granada. Dr. Guzman was a delegate to the International Congress, and is one of the directors in the Nicaragua Ship Canal project. Madame Guzman is very found of company and entertains a good deal. She has no children.