< Woman of the Century

SANDES, Mrs. Margaret Isabelle, industrial reformer, born in Glasgow, Scotland, 21st May, 1849, of an old and wealthy Scotch family. Her parents came to this country when she was quite young, and finally settled in Milwaukee, Wis. When the Civil War broke out, her father and oldest brother were among the first to respond to the call for volunteers, and both served until the end of the war. MARGARET ISABBELLE SANDES A woman of the century (page 641 crop).jpgMARGARET ISABBELLE SANDES. While they were serving their country at the front, Mrs. Sandes was actively engaged with other girls of her age in making lint, bandages and garments to be sent to the troops in the field. She is thoroughly American. At the age of sixteen years she became the wife of Henry R. Sandes, late Adjutant of the 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry and nephew of Sir Charles Henry Coote, M. P., premier Baronet of Ireland, and in 1867 settled in Chicago, 111. For many years she has been a member of Bishop Fallows' church, and has always been active in church and charitable work. She never engaged in public work until she became identified with the Woman's Relief Corps auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, of which her husband is a prominent member. She held the position of president of Woman's Relief Corps No. 23 for four successive terms, and has been department inspector, department junior vice-president, and served on the department executive board and as national aid in the same order. She has always been an active, earnest worker for all charitable measures. She heartily endorses all legitimate means for the advancement and benefit of women. She has two children, a son and a daughter. She was one of the original nine women appointed by the local directory of the World's Fair, and acted as secretary of that committee until the national commissioners convened, and she went to Washington with the mayor and other influential citizens to aid in securing the site for Chicago. She was appointed alternate lady manager of the World's Columbian Commission. Her position as secretary of the Illinois Industrial School for Girls consumes much of her time, and she is thoroughly devoted to the work of caring for and bettering the condition of the dependent girls. Her home is in Ravenswood, a suburb of Chicago, where she is Matron of Chapter No. 190 of the Order of the Eastern Star.

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