GOLDTHWAITE, Mrs. Lucy Virginia, author, born in Florence, Ala. She is the youngest of her family. Her maiden name was Lucy Virginia Harmon. Her ancestors for generations were born and bred in Petersburg. Va., where her parents and their children, with the exception of Mrs. Goldthwaite, were reared. Her sister, called "Lizzie of Woodlawn," for years was a writer for the Louisville "Journal." Woodlawn, the beautiful home where Mrs. Goldthwaite passed her childhood, may still be seen in Florence. Several little poems, written at five and six years of age by Miss Harmon, are still retained by relatives Verses written at eight were published, with many sketches and poems at intervals in later years. Her most popular poem was on the death of Gen. Pat. Cleburn. For fifteen years the public have read nothing from the pen of Mrs. Goldthwaite, except at long intervals. During that time she was not idle, however, as she has numerous sketches and songs and several novels in manuscript. Her first novel, " Veta, a Story of the Blue and Gray," was published in "Sunny South," in 1890. Mrs. Goldthwaite has written many songs that have received public approval, and a tragedy for Lillian Lewis, which that actor pronounces exceptionally fine, and several other plays for leading actors. Mrs. Goldthwaite is a thorough scholar, a fine artist, a proficient linguist, and reads, writes and speaks fluently several languages. She has a high soprano voice of great sweetness and power. She was a pupil of the German composer, August Newmayer. She is happily married, and is the wife of George Goldthwaite, a prominent judge, an able lawyer, a nephew of ex-United States Supreme Court Judge, John A. Campbell, and son of ex-United Slates Senator, George Goldthwaite Mrs Goldthwaite resides at present in Leadville. Col.