AMES, Miss Lucia True, author, born in Boscawen, N. H., 5th May, 1856. She has written two books, "Great Thoughts for Little Thinkers" (New York, 1888), and "Memoirs of a Millionaire" (Boston, 1889), a work of fiction. The first is an attempt to present modern and liberal thought on scientific and religious questions in a simple form which shall supplement home and Sunday-school instruction. The second volume treats of experiments in modern social reforms. Miss Ames has been to Europe several times and traveled extensively. She has for some years conducted numerous large adult classes in Boston and vicinity in studies in nineteenth century thought, taking Emerson, Lowell, Carlyle, Webster and Bryce as the bases for study. She has been a contributor to various periodicals. She is a woman suffragist and an earnest worker in furthering measures that shall promote good citizenship. She is a niece of Charles Carleton Coffin, the author of books for boys. Her home is in Boston, Mass., in which vicinity she has spent the greater part of her life.