SPRATT, Miss Louise Parker, journalist, was born in Aberdeen, Miss. She received all the literary and musical advantages of her native and other towns and was graduated from the Tuscaloosa Female College. While continuing her musical studies in New Orleans, La., the great expectations to which she had been born "vanished into thin air," and she was brought suddenly face to face with the problem of existence. With no moment given to idle regret, she turned to face that problem with all the hopeful fearlessness and proud confidence of youth. The efforts that she then made in the fields of literature and music soon brought her into prominence among those who appreciate the best and highest in those two arts. In 1888 she was engaged on the staff of the Birmingham. Ala. "Age," as society editor and general writer. She made her departments on that paper exceptionally attractive by the brightness and piquancy of her articles, and by the fervor and honesty of her efforts in any work undertaken. Since that time she has been connected with the press of Birmingham, in nearly every department of editorial, reportorial and correspondence work on the different leading papers of that city. In every position, in every office, she has acquitted herself with a faithfulness always to be commended and with ability. In 1890 she established in Birmingham an independent journal, devoted to society and literature, and was making it a success, when an unfortunate fall, in which she broke her right wrist and injured her left, followed by protracted fever, incapacitated her temporarily for the work. Necessarily her pen was for a time idle. She has published a dialect story, entitled "A Dusky Romance," with pen-and-ink illustrations, showing her talent for that style of work. She possesses a talent for drawing and painting, though circumstances and work in other lines have so far prevented the development of that talent. She is an artist in her performances on the piano and organ, and has won as much success in her musical as in her literary work.