CUINET, Miss Louise Adele, doctor of dental surgery, born in Hoboken, N. J., 29th November, 1855. She is of French parentage. On the maternal side she is a descendant of the Huguenot Humberts, a family of local eminence in Neuchatel, where they Bought refuge in the sixteenth century. Upon her decision to adopt dentistry as a profession, Dr. Cuinet realized that, in addition to the ordinary obstacles presented to youth and inexperience, she night also encounter the prejudice which confronts every woman who ventures upon an innovation and threatens to invade a field considered the exclusive province of men. She therefore determined to equip herself with great thoroughness. With that view, after completing the course in one of the best New York schools, she studied two years with a prominent dentist in that city, preparatory to entering, in 1881, the Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery. That institution graduated one woman about twenty-six years ago and then closed its doors against women for eight years, until Dr. Truman became dean. Dr. Cuinet was graduated in 1883, in high standing, taking one of the first places in a class of fifty-nine. She is the one woman belonging to the Second District Dental Society of New York, and the only one practicing in Brooklyn. With very engaging personal qualities she unites great skill and conscientious devotion to her work. These have won for her a high place in the estimation of professional experts, and the confidence and esteem of a large and increasing clientage. Her success in a vocation generally repugnant to feminine sensibilities represents extraordinary natural qualifications and great industry. She is a master of her profession in all its branches. Dr. Cuinet has always been distinguished by an ardent love of outdoor games and sports, in many of which she excels.