< Woman of the Century

GRANGER, Miss Lottie E., educator and school officer, born near Granville. Ohio, 28th January, 1858. Her father, Sylvester Granger, was of New England descent, and her mother, Elizabeth Walrath, of German origin. Village and country schools afforded sufficient tuition to Miss Granger to enable her to begin teaching at the age of sixteen years. LOTTIE E. GRANGER.jpgLOTTIE E. GRANGER. For three consecutive summers she followed teaching, when her desire to add to her education had become so great that she made for herself a way to gratify this ambition. Through the cooperation of the president of Shepardson College, then Young Ladies' Institute, she was enabled to complete a classical course of study in that excellent institution, deserving a medal lor her brave and sterling character as well as a diploma for her mental proficiency. She was graduated in 1880, and spent the following year in Kansas, and the next five years in Shenandoah, la., occupied with the duties of the school-room. In 1886, having been elected to the office of county super-intendent of the public schools of Page county, she held the position for six years, and oy the excellence of her work made for herself a name that is State-wide among educators. At the annual meeting of the Iowa State Teachers' Association, held in Des Moines in 1888, she was unanimously elected president, being the second woman ever chosen to be that honorable place during the thirty-five years of the organization. She has also been a member of the Educational Council, which is the senate of the teachers' association From its organization she has served on the board of managers of the Iowa State Teachers' Reading Circle. She is an active Sunday-school and temperance worker, is a Chautauqua graduate, a ready speaker, a forcible writer and of magnetic presence on the platform. Declining a fourth term of service as county superintendent. Miss Granger, never being satisfied with present attainments, will pursue a post-graduate course of study in the Chicago University. Since her election to office, her home has been in Clarinda, La., where she is a member of the household of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Henshaw. The names of Mrs. Henshaw and Miss Granger are almost synonymous in Page county as an ardent friendship has taken them together into every township where political canvass, school visitation and temperance work have made their interests common. Being of an unassuming disposition, Miss Granger seldom passes, on chance acquaintance, at her true worth. A close observer, however, will discover beneath her unpretentiousness an equipoise of character, a cool decisive judgment, a penetrating eye and an activity of thought.

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