WHITE, Mrs. Laura Rosamond, author, was born in Otsego county, N. Y. Her parents removed when she was one year old, and part of her childhood was passed in Pennsylvania, and the remainder and her early girlhood in New York City. Her maiden name was Harvey. She is descended from an illustrious family of Huguenots, named Herve, who fled from France to England during a time of great persecution. One branch settled in England, one in Scotland, and from a Franco- English alliance descended Dr. Harvey, who discovered the circulation of the blood. The family name became Anglicized from Hervé to Hervey, and then to Harvey. Her ancestors were among the Puritans and pioneers of America. She early showed her fondness for intellectual pursuits, and was educated mostly in private schools and under private tutors. It was through meeting with unsought appreciation and encouragement her work became a matter of business, and for several years she has been receiving substantial recognition. Her contributions have appeared in many journals and magazines, and some of them have been widely copied. She is a versatile writer, and excels in poems that express sentiment suggested by humanity, friendship and patriotism. She is not confined to the didactic and sentimental, and most of the time discards that style. Then she produces her finest poetic work. She possesses an element of the humorous, as frequently shown. As a journalist. her prose articles cover a wide range of subjects. She has been asked often to write for occasions the most recent being the dedication of the National Woman's Relief Corps Home in Madison, Ohio. She is a prominent writer in the Woman's Relief Corps and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Her home is in Geneva, Ohio.