MARLOWE, Miss Julia, actor, born in Carlisle, Eng., in 1865. Her father's name was Brough. and she was christened Fannie. As there was a well-known English actor named Fannie Brough. she decided, when she went on the stage, to take the name Julia Marlowe. In 1872 her family came to the United States and settled in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her education was thoroughly American, received
in the public schools of America, and she wishes to be known and classed as an American actor. In 1874, when Julia was nine years old, she played as Sir Joseph Porter in "Pinafore" with her younger sister, Alice. In 1879 she went on a tour in a company with Miss Dowe, and during that tour saw much of Shakespearean characters. One day the Romeo page of the company was sick, and the youthful Julia, after proving that she knew every line of Romeo and Juliet," was permitted to play the page's part. She did it in such a way as to suggest great possibilities, and for the next four years she studied in retirement with Miss Dowe. She studied school branches and elocution, with all the stage "business," and soon was ready to begin regular work before the public. She played in New England towns with great success, and on 20th October, 1887, she made her debut in New York City as Parthenia in a matinee performance of "Ingomar." She won a triumph at once. All the critics were favorable. Soon afterward she appeared as Viola in "Twelfth Night." and her success led her to enter the ranks as a star. She made a tour, appearing in "Ingomar," "Romeo and Juliet," "Twelfth Night." "As You Like It." "The Lady of Lyons," " Pygmalion and Galatea" and "The Hunchback." While her first tour was not wholly successful financially, it introduced her to the public and paved the way for her brilliant triumphs of the past four years. She has steadily worked her way to the front rank, and to-day she is considered one of the leading actors. In 1890 overwork brought on a serious illness in Philadelphia. Pa., and she was long ill in the home of Col. Alexander K. McClure, of the Philadelphia "Times." Since her recovery she has continued her successes in the principal cities of the country. She is a woman of slight form, with a beautiful and expressive face, and in her roles she appears true to life without visible effort. Her art is of that high, sure and true sort which hides itself and makes the portrayal natural.