KEATING, Mrs. Josephine, literary critic, musician and music teacher, born in Nashville, Tenn., and was educated in the Atheneum in Columbia. From that institution she was graduated with distinction in vocal and instrumental music. She was first in all her other classes. She has been a student ever since her school-days and has an intimate acquaintance with modern French and English literature. As the literary editor of the Memphis "Appeal" first, and later of the Memphis "Commercial," she made this evident. At the beginning of her career she gave much attention to music and its history and to that of the persons most distinguished as executants or professors of it. She became a brilliant singer. After many signal triumphs in the field of her first endeavor, in Nashville, Baton Rouge, La., and Memphis, Tenn., where she sang altogether for charitable and patriotic purposes, teaching music, vocal, piano, harp and guitar, for the support of her family during the war, she turned to literature, of which she had always been a student. She became well known to publishers and literary people throughout the country as a discerning and discriminating critic. In the midst of all her tasks, many of them profound, Mrs. Keating found time to be a devoted wife and mother, to supervise the education of her children and to be a counselor and helper of her husband. Col. J. M. Keating, a journalist. A busy woman, she is nevertheless a diligent reader. Mrs. Keating is a born letter-writer, and for eight years was New York correspondent of the Memphis "Appeal." During her connection with that journal she wrote many musical criticisms of value and several sketches of notable musical and theatrical people. She also made many valuable translations from the French, which were well received.