< Woman of the Century

CASSEDAY, Miss Jennie, philanthropist, born in Louisville, Ky., 9th June, 1840. An invalid for many years, and having burdens herself, she forgets them all in taking upon herself the burdens of others. Her father, Samuel Casseday, was a man of honor and a true Christian. His wife, Eliza McFarland, was the finest type of Christian womanhood, who with one other woman founded a Presbyterian Orphans' Home, which has been a shelter to many homeless little ones. When Miss Casseday was nine years of age, her mother died, and she was left to the care of her aunt, Miss McNutt. Miss Casseday's first work was the flower mission. When the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union met in Louisville, Ky., Miss Willard called upon Miss Casseday and inquired into the flower mission work. She was so impressed that she decided to have the flower mission in the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and to appoint Miss Casseday as the superintendent. Thus was formed the National Flower Mission, which carries to the poor, the neglected, the sick and the prisoners in the jails little bouquets with selected texts attached. Subsequently a World's Flower Mission was established, with Miss Casseday as its superintendent. That work is to embrace every country. Miss Casseday appointed 9th June, her birthday, to be observed as the National and Annual Flower Mission Prison Day. On that day the flower missionaries in every State visit all State and local prisons, reformatories and almshouses within their borders. JENNIE CASSEDAY.jpgJENNIE CASSEDAY. In speaking of the training school for nurses, established in Louisville, Miss Casseday says: "It was born in my heart through the ministry of suffering and a longing to help others, as was my connection with the Shut-In Band." The district nurse work owes its birth to the same touch of pain that makes all the world kin and is an outgrowth of contact with the sick poor through the flower mission. The training school for nurses has been in successful operation for several years. The members of the Shut-In Hand consist of men, women and children who are shut in by disease from the outside world, of invalids who Seldom or never leave their rooms or I>eds. The name was selected from the sixteenth verse of the seventeenth chapter of Genesis: "And the Lord shut them in." These invalids write to one another and have an official organ, the "Open Window," which contains letters and news for invalid friends. This band has grown from three members to many thousands, living in all parts of the world. Miss Casseday has taken much interest in that work and has written many letters to her invalid friends. Another philanthrophy was the opening of Rest Cottage, as a country home for tired girls and women who have to support themselves. There they can obtain good comfortable board at a dollar a week and rest from their cares for a week or two. entertained by Miss Casseday herself. The King's Daughters have recently established a Jennie Casseday Free Infirmary in Louisville, which is to benefit poor and sick women.

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