BUSH, Mrs. Jennie Burchfield, author, born in Meadville. Pa., 28th of April, 1858. She is of Scotch, English and Irish descent. Her father w as lames Burchfield. a prominent journalist of Meadville and a brilliant Writer. Her mother, Sarah M. Coburn, also a journalist, was a woman of poetic temperament. The daughter was placed in the State Normal School in Edinburgh, Pa., at the age of six years, and remained there until she was sixteen years old. In 1875 she went to Augusta, Kara., where her mother was living, and she has been since then a resident of that State. She became the wife, on the 21st October. 1877, of A. T. Bush, a well-known stockman, of Louisville, Ky. Her family consists of two sons. Mrs. Bush was unconscious of her poetical powers until a few years ago. Since writing her first poem she has made a thorough study of the art of poetic expression. She has published extensively in newspapers and periodicals. Her literary work, while mainly poetical, includes a number of short stories and several serials. Her home in Wichita is an ideal one.