YOUNG, Miss Jennie B., artist, born in Grundy county, Missouri, 23rd May, 1869. In 1882 she removed with her parents to El Dorado, Kans., where she now resides. She is an only child. Her grandfather was one of the pioneers of the Christian Church, and with her parents she has always been enthusiastic in her efforts to promote the cause of Christianity. There is scarcely any line of Christian work that has not received a new impetus from her thought and labor. She is a born artist. When a very small child, she was continually drawing, and when she was fourteen, she painted in oil. She is very fond of still-life pictures and has done many excellent pieces. She paints flowers, figures, landscapes and marine scenes in oil, and excels in painting animals. There is hardly any line of art work that is not familiar to her, designs of fabric painting and decorative work as well as many others. She was graduated with honor from the El Dorado high school, when she was fifteen years old. She began to teach at sixteen and taught several terms, after which she took a classical and art course in Garfield University, Wichita, Kans. She is a ready writer and a pleasant speaker in public.