KNOX, Mrs. Janette Hill, temperance reformer, born in Londonderry, Vt., 24th January, 1845. She is the daughter of Rev. Lewis Hill, of the Vermont Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her mother's maiden name was Olive Marsh. The daughter was reared with that care and judicious instruction characteristic of the quiet New England clerical home. Her earlier education was received in the schools of the various towns to which her father's itinerant assignments took the family, together with two years of seminary life, when she was graduated as valedictorian of her class from Montpelier Seminary, in 1869. In 1871 she became the wife of Rev. M. V. B. Knox, and in 1873, after the death of their only child, they removed to Kansas. There she pursued additional studies, taking the degree of A.B., from Baker University, and together with her husband was four years on the faculty of that college. She went to Boston University in 1877 for special studies in her department of English literature and modern languages, and received the degree of A. M., with her husband, from the School of All Sciences in 1879. Their duties then took them to the New Hampshire Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, where they have since been at work. In 1881 she was elected president of the State Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The responsibilities connected with that office drew her out from the quieter duties of home to perform those demanded by her new work. Her executive ability has been developed during the years since her election to the office. Her manner of presiding in the numerous meetings of various kinds, especially in the annual conventions, elicits hearty commendation. The steady and successful growth of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of New Hampshire during these years, and the high position the New Hampshire Union takes, attest her success. Her re-election year by year has been practically unanimous. She has attended every one of the national conventions since taking the State presidency. In addition to keeping house and heartily aiding her husband in the church work, she fills the duties of the State presidency, and lectures before temperance gatherings, missionary meetings in Chautauqua Assemblies, teachers' conventions and elsewhere. She also exercises her literary talents in writing for the press.