< Woman of the Century

READ, Miss Jane Maria, poet and artist, born in Barnstable, Mass., 4th October, 1853. Her father, Rev. William Read, is a Baptist clergyman She comes from old colonial families on both sides, and her ancestors were among the early English pioneers. Until six years of age her home was in Massachusetts. In 1859 her parents moved to the sea-coast of Maine, where they lived till 1865, at that time returning to Massachusetts. Her parents noted her literary trend and developed and shaped it so far as lay in their power. JANE MARIA READ. A woman of the century (page 610 crop).jpgJANE MARIA READ. She studied in the Coburn Classical Institute, in Waterville, Me., for several years. Her poetic tendencies were intensified by reading. She began to publish her poems in 1874 in various magazines and news- papers, and in 1887 she published a volume of verse entitled " Between the Centuries, and Other Poems." Much of her poetry is of the introspective kind, with a strong element of the religious and the sentimental. She has contributed, among others, to the " Magazine of Poetry." Besides her meritorious poetical work, she is an artist of marked talent, and makes a specialty of portraits and animal pictures in oil colors. She received her art training in Boston, Mass., from prominent artists and instructors. She is a woman of broad views, liberal culture and versatility. Her home is now in Coldbrook Springs, Mass., where her father is in charge of a church.

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