< Woman of the Century

HAPGOOD, Miss Isabel P., translator and author, born in Boston. Mass., and November, 1850. She lived in Worcester, Mass., until 1880, when she became a resident of Boston. Miss Hapgood received a liberal education, and her talent for language has been developed to a remarkable degree She has utilized her knowledge of the leading modern languages in the translation of standard authors' works into English. She is known wherever English is spoken by her work in Russian literature. Her " Epic Songs of Russia " is a standard classic and the only rendering of those productions in English that has ever been made. Her translations from the Russian include the works of Tolstoi, Gogol, Verestchagin and many others of the highest grade. She has written for various magazines a number of valuable articles on Russian subjects. Her translations of Victor Hugo's "Les Miserables," "Les Travailleurs de la Mer," "Notre Dame " and "L'Homme qui Rit " are pronounced the standards by the critics. She has translated many works, prose and verse, long and short, from the French, the Spanish and the Italian languages, with which she is perfectly familiar. Besides her work in translations. She has written much signed and unsigned critical work and articles in publications of the highest order in the United States. She is an industrious worker. Her home is now in New York City.

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