< Woman of the Century

POOLE, Mrs. Hester Martha, author, artist and critic, was born in western Vermont, about 1843. Her maiden name was Hester M. Hunt. She inherited poetical and literary tastes, which were developed; by study and travel. At an early age she wrote poems and stories, which were often published. HESTER MARTHA POOLE A woman of the century (page 590 crop).jpgHESTER MARTHA POOLE. After she became the wife of C. O. Poole, and while taking an extended tour through Europe, she furnished a series of letters to daily papers in New York City, in which was begun her first regular contributions to the press. Interrupted for some time by domestic duties, her contributions were resumed in the "Continent" and "Manhattan" magazines. Those consisted chiefly of illustrated articles upon the arts of decoration, and have been followed in various publications by a large number of critical and descriptive essays upon those and similar topics. Her series of articles applied to the house has appeared in the "Home Maker." another in "Good Housekeeping," and a large number of her illustrated articles appeared from time to time in the " Decorator and Furnisher" of New York. In them have been furnished original schemes for house decoration, which have been widely copied. Another series, "From Attic to Cellar," was furnished to the " Home Magazine," and a still longer series. "The Philosophy of Living," was contributed by Mrs. Poole to "Good Housekeeping." In spite of her fondness for art, all her tastes incline her rather to studies of a nature purely literary, ethical or reformatory. Upon one or another of those topics she has frequently given conversations or lectures in drawing-rooms In those fields also her papers have found acceptance with the "Chautauquan," the "Arena." the "Union Signal," the "Ladies' Home Journal" and many others. During several years she edited with success a column upon "Woman and the Household" in a weekly newspaper of a high character, and also wrote leading editorials for journals on ethics and reform. Her last book, entitled "Fruits and How to Use Them" (New York, 1891), is unique and has attained a large circulation. Mrs. Poole is known as an enthusiastic worker and advocate for the advancement of women, with their higher education. She has been almost from the beginning an officer of Sorosis. is a member of the New York Woman's Press Club, and believes that the progress of humanity depends upon the unfolding of a noble womanhood. Some of Mrs. Poole's venes. always tender and graceful, are to be found in "Harper's Encyclopaedia of Poetry." Her present residence is in Metuchen, N. J.

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