LOTHROP, Mrs. Harriett M., author, born in New Haven, Conn., 22nd June, 1844. She is best known as "Margaret Sidney." She was the daughter of Sidney Mason Stone and Harriett Mulford Stone. Her parents were from New England and connected with some of the most distinguished of the Puritan families. Mrs. Lothrop was educated in the old classic town, and, during his lifetime and till the daughter's marriage, her father's house was the center for his friends, men of letters. It may well be said that Mrs. Lothrop was reared in an atmosphere of books, having likewise the advantage of a polite education. Her genius for writing began to develop very early. At the outset she adopted the pen-name which has gained her wide popularity. All her writings have wide circulation, hut the work by which her reputation was effectually established is "Five Little Peppers," and the two succeeding "Pepper" volumes. The vivacity of thought and energy of expression at once revealed the earnest, impassioned writer for young folks, whose influence has exercised a remarkable sway. Mrs. Lothrop has written many books, and always struck the key-note of a worthy purpose. In "A New Departure for Girls " (Boston, 1886), she was the first to write a book for girls who are left without means of support, who are wholly unprepared to earn money, that should make them see their opportunities in the simple home-training they have received. Consequently her book has been the basis for those practical attempts to help girls, such as advising them to open mending bureaus and the like, while the countless letters from all over the country attest the success of her efforts. In October, 1881, she became the wife of Daniel Lothrop, publisher, founder of the D. Lothrop Company. Their married life was eminently happy; it was an ideal union in all things. Mr. Lothrop was a man of cultivated tastes and line literary attainments. During the ensuing ten years their summer home was the " Wayside," in Concord, Mass., the home of Nathaniel Hawthorne, where Mrs. Lothrop now resides. The historic house and grounds were purchased by Mr. Lothrop, early in their married life, as a gift to his wife. Their winters were passed either in travel or their Boston home, where Mr. Lothrop died, 18th March, 1892. Mrs. Lothrop has one daughter, Margaret, born 27th July, 1884, to whom and to the undeveloped plans and interests which she looks upon as the last request of her husband, and to her writings, she purposes henceforth to devote her time and interest. In domestic knowledge and the performance of household duties, Mrs, Lothrop shows as ready acquaintance and as much skill as though these alone formed her pursuits. She is a typical American woman, with that religious fiber of New England that is the very bone and sinew of our Republic. Besides the books named above, she Is the author of " Polly Pepper's Chicken-Pie" (Boston, 1880), "Phronsie's New Shoes" (Boston, 1880), "Miss Scarrett " (Boston, 1881), "So as by Fire" (Boston, 1881), "Judith Pettibone" (Boston, 1881), "Half a Year in Brockton" (Boston, 1881), "How They Went to Europe" (Boston, 1884), "The Golden West ' (Boston. 1886), and "Old Concord, Her Highways and Byways" (Boston, 1888). Her stories are very numerous, and many of them are to be found in "Our Little Men and Women," "Pansy." "Babyland," "Wide Awake" and other periodicals.