DODGE, Miss Hannah P., educator, born on a farm in Littleton, Mass., 16th February, 1821. where her girlhood was spent. She attended the public school and afterwards spent several terms in a select school for young ladies. When she was seventeen years old, she began to teach a district school in a neighboring town. She next taught successfully in her own town. After teaching for some terms, she went to the Lawrence Academy in Groton, Mass. She completed her education in the Townsend Female Seminary, in Townsend. Mass. After graduating from that school, she was chosen a teacher in the institution. One year later she was chosen principal of the school, a position which she held for seven years. She held the position of principal in the Oread Institute in Worcester, Mass., for several years, traveled in Europe for a year and there studied modern languages and art. She has traveled much in her own country. After her sojourn in Europe, she took a desirable position in Dorchester, Mass., where she successfully managed a young ladies' school for five years. Retiring from the school field, she purchased a pleasant home in Littleton, where her family had remained In that town she w as made a superintendent of schools, and served a number of years. She is president of the local Woman's Christian Temperance Union and one of the trustees of the public library, and is active in charitable work.