ZEISLER, Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield, piano virtuoso, born in Bielitz, Austria, 16th July, 1866. Her maiden name was Fannie Bloomfield. In 1869 her parents left Austria and came to the United States, making their home in Chicago, Ill. She was a musical child, and her fondness and marked talent for piano playing led her parents to give her a careful training in music. She studied at first with Carl Wolfsohn and came out at an early age as a juvenile musical prodigy. When she was twelve years old, she played before Madame Essipoff, who was in this country. That artist advised Miss Bloomfield to go to Europe and place herself in the school of Theodor Leschetizky, in Vienna. Acting on the advice, Miss Bloomfield went to Vienna, where she studied a year in the Conservatory, and then began to study with Leschetizky, remaining in his charge for four years. In 1882 she made her debut in Vienna, where she carried the musical public by storm. Although one of the youngest pianists before the public, she was at once ranked with the foremost in all the essentials that make a great piano virtuoso. After furthur study she returned to the United States, and made her debut in this country in a concert of the Chicago Beethoven Society, 11th January, 1884. There was but one verdict, and it confirmed that of Vienna, classing the young player with the most eminent of living pianists. She afterward played in Chicago, in the Milwaukee orchestral concerts, in the Peabody Conservatory concerts in Baltimore, in the Thomas concerts, in the Boston Symphony Society concerts, in the St. Louis symphony concerts, in Van der Stucken's novelty concert in New York City, making her debut in Steinway Hall, in the Mendelssohn Glee Club concert in Chickering Hall, in the New York Philharmonic concerts, in the Damrosch symphony concert, and in the Music Teachers' National Association concerts in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1884, in New York City in 1885, in Indianapolis in 1887, and in Detroit in 1892. In 1885 she became the wife of Sigmund Zeisler, a lawyer of Chicago In 1888, and again in 1892, she went to Europe and attended the Bayreuth Wagner Festivals. In 1889 she attended the convention of the Music Teachers' National Association in Detroit. Mich., where she read a valuable essay on the sphere of woman in music. She displays remarkable force and endurance in the rendition of her exaction programmes. She is a brilliant technician and even more of an artist in the best sense of the term. She is now living in Chicago.