< Woman of the Century

GRIFFITH, Mrs. Eva Kinney, journalist and temperance worker, born in Whitewater, Wis., 8th November, 1852. She is a daughter of Francis Kinney and Sophronia Goodrich Kinney. She was educated in the Whitewater State Normal School and as graduated in the class of 1871 She entered journalism and wrote for the Detroit "Free Press," "Pomeroy's Democrat," the Educational Weekly," the Cincinnati "Saturday Night" and many other journals. Overwork broke her health in 1878, and she was not able to resume her pen to any great extent until 1883. In 1879 she went to Kansas for her health. In 1880 she became the wife of Charles E. Griffith, and they moved to St. Louis, Mo. The marriage proved a mistake. They separated, and Mrs. Griffith returned to Whitewater and entered the temperance field. She was made lecturer and organizer of the Wisconsin Woman's Christian Temperance Union for seven years. Her illustrated lectures won her the name of "Wisconsin Chalk Talker." She wrote temperance lessons and poems for the "Temperance Banner" and the "Union Signal." She has published a temperance novel, "A Woman's Evangel" (Chicago, 1892), and a volume named "Chalk Talk Hand-Book" (1887). In 1889 she published the "True Ideal," a journal devoted to social purity and faith studies. In 1891 she removed to Chicago, Ill., where she became a special writer for the "Daily News-Record" and afterward society editor of the Chicago "Times." She is a regular contributor to the "Union Signal," EVA KINNEY GRIFFITH.jpgEVA KINNEY GRIFFITH. writing the semi-monthly "Queen's Garden" for that journal.

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