BEST, Mrs. Eva, author, horn in Cincinnati, Ohio. 19th December, 1851. She is a daughter of the late John Insco Williams and Mrs. Mary Williams, now of Chicago, III. Her father was an artist and painted the first bible panorama ever exhibited in the United States. Her mother is also Ml artist of merit and a writer of excellent verse and prose. The daughter inherits the talents of both parents. In 1869 she was married to William H. Best, of Dayton. Ohio, and her home is now in that city. Mrs. Best began her literary career as a poet. Her first short story' appeared in one of the Frank Leslie periodicals. That was followed by stories in other publications. In 1882 her services were sought by the editor of the Detroit "Free Press," and now Mrs. Best is editor of the household department of that paper. She is also a regular contributor to A. N. Kellogg's Newspaper Company and has written several dramas. The first, "An American Princess," is now in its sixth season. A comedy drama, " Sands of Egypt." is in the hands of Miss Elizabeth Marbury, of New York. "A Rhine Crystal" is being used by Miss Floy Crowell, a young New England artist, and her other plays, "The Little Banshee" and "Gemini," the former in Irish dialect, the latter a two-part character piece, were written for Miss Jennie Calef. In all these plays the music, dances, ballads and all incidental scores are distinctively original. A number of ballads have also added to the author's fame. She has devoted some attention to art. She has two children, a son and a daughter, and the latter is already an artist of some reputation.