CAMPBELL, Mrs. Eugenia Steele, temperance reformer, born in Springfield, Mich., 31st May, 1843. She is the daughter of the Rev. Salmon and Adelaide Ruth Steele. Her ancestors on her father's side were purely American, and were associated with the early settlement of the colonies of Connecticut and Massachusetts. On her mother's side she mingles both French and Scotch blood. Her mother's great-grandfather was in the French Revolution, and with his brother fled to America. They settled in Granby county, took up a section of land, married and raised families. Her grandfather Perrin was an American who fought in the Revolutionary War. At school Mrs. Campbell was proficient in her studies. At the age of eight years she attended a night-school, which was held up the benefit of the miners in the copper country. It was held next door, by a teacher whose home was with her family. At the age of thirteen years she entered Albion College, where her standing in scholarship was the highest. She spent her first vacation in teaching a district school. Her father being in the pastorate of the Methodist Episcopal Church for fifty years, and subject to frequent removals by the law of the church, she was brought into contact with all classes of people, and such a life developed in her a strong self-reliance. She was happily married to Robert A. Campbell, of New York State, 25th April, 1863. After spending eighteen months on the old homestead of the husband, they relumed to Michigan. She has since devoted all her energies to the cause of temperance, in which she has been a prominent factor. She was among the first to associate herself with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and she has spared neither time nor money to promote its interests. She has lx-en allied continuously to preside in its assemblies, as president of local, county and district unions. She has for the past eleven years been president of a district, and thus for that time a member of the State executive board of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Michigan. For nearly three years she acted as secretary for Henry A. Reynolds, of red-ribbon fame, making his dates and keeping him constantly in the field, winning at that time the name of "Never-say-die Campbell," which was given in a paper read at a State meeting by Mrs. C. H. Johnson. Modest and unassuming, she has by her faculty of perception and indomitable perseverance endeared herself to a large circle of the best workers in both church and temperance causes. She excels in parliamentary drills in her conventions, and in planning and sending through her district the best speakers. For twelve years previous to the Crusade, she conducted a large store in millinery and fancy goods. She is the mother of three sons, one of whom died in infancy. Her two remaining sons now grown to manhood, together with her husband, have given her much aid in carrying on her temperance work. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have conducted a large hotel for four years past in Manistique, Mich.