< Woman of the Century

EMMA WHITCOMB BABCOCK.jpgEMMA WHITCOMB BABCOCK. BABCOCK, Mrs. Emma Whitcomb, author, born in Adams, N. V., 24th April, 1S49. She is now a resident of Oil City, Pa., in which town her huslwind, C. A. Babcock, is superintendent of schools. As a writer, Mrs. Babcock has been before the public for years, and has contributed to journals and magazines, besides doing good work as a book-reviewer, but is probably best known through her series of unsized articles which during rive years appeared in the New York "Evening Post." She was a contributor to the first number of "Babyhood" and also of the "Cosmopolitan." She has published one volume, "Household Hints" (1890. and is about to issue another. "A Mother's Note Book." At present she is conducting a department in the "Homemaker." Mrs. Babcock has written a novel, which embodies many distinctive features of the oil country. Her husband's profession turned her attention to educational subjects, and she has published many articles in the technical journals on those subjects. She is interested in home mission work and is president of a literary club which is known throughout western Pennsylvania, and which has founded a public library.

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