< Woman of the Century

BROWN, Miss Emma Elizabeth, author, born in Concord, N. H.. 18th October, 1847. Her EMMA ELIZABETH BROWN.jpgEMMA ELIZABETH BROWN. girlhood memories are of that comely and prosperous inland city, historic in age and act. There she lived among her own people till the requirements of her work drew her to Boston, Mass. She now resides in Newton Highlands. The education of the schools, though good, was of less value than that of the home, where the father's greatest pleasure was in opening to his daughters the treasures of his choice library. If from her father she inherited a love of good reading, of pictures and pre-eminently of nature, she was no less indebted to her mother for a certain executive ability, indispensable to success, while from both parents she received constant help and encouragement in her early efforts. During her school-days she sent to the Concord "Monitor" a poem. That was the first of many contributions to various literary and religious newspapers, the "Atlantic Monthly," "Aldine," the "Living Age," and other magazines. Her only volume of poems is a brochure entitled "A Hundred Years Ago" (Boston, 1876), written with an insight and enthusiasm worthy the descendant of a Minute Man who gave his life at Lexington. Six volumes of the "Spare Minute Series" are of her compiling, and five of the "Biographical Series" are of her writing. Her Sun- day-school books are "From Night to Light" (Boston, 1872), a story of the Babylonish Captivity, and "The Child Toilers of the Boston Streets" (Boston, 1874). One of Miss Brown's charms is the power of throwing herself into her subject

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