< Woman of the Century

EMMA CHURCHMAN HEWITT A woman of the century (page 385 crop).jpgEMMA CHURCHMAN HEWITT. HEWITT, Mrs. Emma Churchman, author and journalist, born in New Orleans, La., 1st February, 1850. At three years of age she moved north with her parents, who settled on a farm in Rahway, N. J., afterward moving to Burlington, N. J., and later to Camden, in the same State, where she resided until several years ago, when she moved to West Philadelphia, Pa. She comes of a long line of cultured and educated people, and is a direct descendant of old John Churchman, who was prominent in the sect of Friends in his day. Mrs. Hewitt is a fluent French scholar, with a knowledge of several other modern languages. She began to write short stories at such a very early age that it has been quaintly remarked that she was "born with a pen in her hand." In 1884 she became a journalist and engaged with the "Daily Evening Reporter" of Burlington. N. J., where she labored until its change of management. In 1885, at the solicitation of the publisher of the "Ladies' Home Journal," she began a series of articles with the unique title "Scribbler's Letters to Gustavus Adolphus. The next year she received a call from the same publisher to the associate-editorship of the journal, which position she filled for four years. Notwithstanding her arduous and exacting work while occupying the editor's chair, she contributed regularly sketches, short stories and articles on domestic topics to at least a dozen other periodicals. Her "Kase in Conversation" first appeared in the "Ladies' Home Journal" under the title of "Mildred's Conversation Class." These articles have been published in book form (Philadelphia, 1887), and the volume, entitled Ease in Conversation," has gone into its third edition, and her " Hints to Ballad Singers" (Philadelphia, 1889) has had an extended sale. Her chief literary work is the "Queen of Home," (Philadelphia, 1889) treating in an exhaustive and masterly manner subjects of household interest from attic to cellar. She has contributed from time to time to the Philadelphia "Press," the "Christian-at-Work," the "Sunday-School Times," the "Weekly Wisconsin," the " Housekeeper," the "Ladies' Home Journal," "Babyhood," the "Home Guard," "Golden Days." "Our Girls and Boys," "Our Young Men," "Wide Awake," "Munyoti's Illustrated World," "Lippincott's Magazine." and a number of others. She is a regular contributor to several English home magazines and has lately completed a series of papers on household topics for a London periodical. Mrs. Hewitt has a son, a young man of eighteen years, and a daughter in her sixteenth year. About two years ago Mrs. Hewitt severed her connection with the "Ladies' Home Journal" and accepted a position on the editorial staff of the "Home Magazine," published in Washington. D. C., which she was obliged to resign on account of the death of her sister, which compelled her to live in Philadelphia. She is now connected with "Leisure Hours," a monthly publication in Philadelphia.

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