BOURNE, Mrs. Emma, religious and temperance worker, born in Newark, N. J., 5th September, 1846. Her father, John Hill, was of English parentage. Her mother, known among the temperance workers since the early days of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union as Mother Hill," was of Scotch- Huguenot ancestry, a woman of great strength of character. Emma was educated in the Newark Wesleyan Institute and, after receiving her diploma, spent eight years as a successful teacher in the Newark schools. She was a vivacious and ambitious student. After her marriage she went abroad with her husband three times, spending several years beyond the Atlantic. During the last seventeen years she has resided in her native city, actively engaged in church work and prominently identified with the great temperance movement of the age. For ten years she served as State recording secretary of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and after the death of Mrs. Sarah J. C. Downs, State president, she was elected to fill the vacancy. For many years she was an efficient superintendent of the infant department of her church Sunday-school. Left to bear the burden and responsibility of training and caring for her four children when they were very young, she is realizing a rich reward for her faithfulness as a mother. In her public duties she is gentle, firm and full of tact. With her "The Golden Age is not behind, but before us." In her public addresses she makes no attempt at oratory, but says what is in her heart to say in an unassuming, convincing manner.