BLACKALL, Mrs. Emily Lucas, author and philanthropist, born in Salem, Ind., 30th June, 1832, and died in New York City, 28th March, 1892. The first ten years of her life were spent in her birthplace amid picturesque surroundings. Her early school days were marked by a quickness of apprehension and an appreciative literary taste that gave indication of the life that was to be in later years. Her parents were Virginians of English descent. During a considerable period, including the years of the late Civil War, her residence was in Louisville, Ky., where she was identified with the Baptist Orphans' Home from its beginning until she left the State, and also was treasurer of the Kentucky branch of the Woman's Missionary Society, founded by the late Mrs. Doremus of New York. Removing to Chicago, she became identified with the woman's temperance crusade and aided in forming the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. She was one of a committee of women who appealed in person to the city council to restrain the liquor-saloon influence, and one of a special committee of three appointed to visit the mayor and urge him to carry out a plan for the protection of homes against the saloon. She was one of the founders of the Woman's Baptist Foreign Missionary Society of the West, and was treasurer of that organization until she left Chicago. She was largely instrumental in the formation of the Women's Baptist Home Mission Society, located in Chicago, with which she was actively engaged at the time of her death. In 1882 she became a resident of Philadelphia, Pa., where she was identified with various benevolent enterprises. A member of the Philadelphia Women's Council, a member of the Women's International Congress in 1887, and a delegate to the Woman's National Council in 1891, she showed a depth of sympathy and touch with progressive ideas that proved the breadth of her character and her influence. As a presiding officer and public speaker Mrs. Blackall always gave satisfaction and pleasure. As an author she was successful. Her first story, "Superior to Circumstances" (Boston, 1889), was followed by "Melodies from Nature" (Boston, 1889), and "Won and Not One" (Philadelphia, 1891). Short stories and biographical sketches have frequently appeared in various periodicals, and missionary literature has had numerous contributions from her pen. In collaboration with her husband, the Rev. C. R. Blackall, she was joint author of "Stories about Jesus" (Philadelphia, 1890). Her literary-style is marked by purity, vigor and correctness. She dealt with social and economic problems in a practical, common-sense manner, writing from experience and broad observation rather than as an idealist, yet always with tenderness and in a spirit of helpfulness. In the various relations of wife, mother, and home-maker, she was eminent for the sweetness of her disposition, the unfailing accuracy of her judgment, and the purity of her life.