ALLERTON, Mrs. Ellen Palmer, poet, born in Centerville, N. Y.. 17th October, 1835. Her ancestors were of Knickerbocker blood. She received a district-school education and afterwards spent a few terms in academies, but never graduated. Her marriage to Alpheus B. Allerton, took place in 1862, soon after her removal to Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Allerton were both invalids in Wisconsin, but in 1879, traveled to Kansas in a wagon, cooking their own meals and getting health and happiness out of the journey. They selected for a home an unimproved farm, a-quarter section, on very high land in Brown county, in sight of Padonia, Hamlin, Falls City and Hiawatha. They now have a handsome home and every comfort that prosperity brings in its train. Mrs. Allerton composed and recited verses before she could write, but offered little to the press until she was past thirty years of age. Her first poems were published in "The Jefferson County Union," Ex-Governor Hoard's paper. Later she contributed to Milwaukee and Chicago papers, and was at one time book-reviewer for the Milwaukee "Sentinel." She has published one volume, "Poems of the Prairies." (New York, 1886). She is considered one of the leading authors of Kansas. As a woman and as a writer she is quiet and sensible. At her home in Padonia she has a wide circle of loving friends, and throughout the West the hearts that hold her dear are legion.