DARE, Mrs. Ella, lecturer and journalist, born in West Batavia, Genesee county, N. Y., 1st May, 1842. Her maiden name was Ella Jones. Her father was born and reared in Point De Bute, New Brunswick, but came when a young man to the United States, and ever afterward gave to this country his unswerving allegiance. On her mother's side she is a direct descendant from William Cook, a distinguished soldier of the Revolution, who served faithfully upon the staff of both Washington and La Fayette. During the Civil War she was active in the line of sanitary service, and was associated with Mrs. Mary A. Livermore in that work. She has been an ardent advocate of all movements looking toward woman's advancement and has taken earnest part in philanthropic work. In the lecture field she has won success. For years she has been engaged in literary and journalistic pursuits in both prose and poetry. Mrs. Dare was married in 1872. She has no children, and therefore gives her life to her work, in which she is greatly aided by her husband's earnest sympathy. Her home is in Ridgeland, III., a suburb of Chicago.