GREENWOOD, Miss Elizabeth W., temperance reformer, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1849. Her father was a lawyer. She was converted at the age of fourteen and turned from a fashionable life to her books and to philanthropic work. She was educated in Brooklyn Heights Seminary and was graduated in 1869. She took a post-graduate course and spent some time as a teacher in that school, giving instruction in the higher branches and weekly lectures to the junior and senior classes. When the Woman's Temperance Crusade opened, she enlisted at once. Her peculiar talents tilted herfnr good work for temperance, and she has been conspicuous in the white-ribbon movement throughout the State and the nation. When scientific temperance instruction in the New York schools was being provided for, Miss Greenwood did important work with the legislature, as State superintendent of that department. She served as national superintendent of juvenile work. She has for years served as president of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union on the Hill in Brooklyn, as superintendent of its juvenile work, and as lecturer and evangelist. She spends her summers in the Berkshire Hills, Mass.. where she preaches on Sundays to large audiences. In 1888 she was made superintendent of the evangelistic department of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. In 1889 she visited Europe, and there she continued her reform efforts.