CHAMPNEY, Mrs. Elizabeth W., author, born in Springfield, Ohio. 6th February, 1850. Her father was Judge S. B. Williams. She was educated in Vassar College and w.is graduated in 1869. During her girlhood she dreamed of literature as a profession, and she wrote many romances that were never printed. In 1876 she began to publish short stories, poems and romances in large numbers. She contributed to "Harper's Magazine" and the "Century" a series of observations on her travels in England, France, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, as well as other oriental lands. Among these papers was a striking one on Portugal, another on "A Neglected Corner of Europe." and a third. "In the Footsteps of Fortuny and RegnaulL" Since her return to the United States she has written about a score of volumes. Her novels are "Bourbon Lilies" and "Rosemary and Rue" Her stories for youth include "All Around a Palette" and "Howling Wolf and His Trick Pony." Among her historical stories for youth is "Great-Grandmother Girls in New France," suggested by the Indian massacre in Deerrteld, Mass. One of her most successful works is "Three Vassar Girls Abroad," which consists of ten volumes. Mrs. Champney writes much on solicitation by publishers, and her time is thus too much taken up to permit her to indulge her bent and talent for poems and short stories. Her popularity has dated from the appearance of the Vassar series. She became the wife of J. Wells Champney, the artist, 15th May, 1875. Their union is a singularly happy one in every way. Mr. Champney has done some of his best work in illustrating his gifted wife's books. They have one son, Edward Frere. They make their winter home in New York City, and their summers are spent in "Elmstead." the old-fashioned house built in Deerficld, Mass., by Mrs. Champnev's grandfather.