YATES, Miss Elizabeth U., lecturer, born in Bristol, Maine, 3rd July, 1857. Her ancestors on both sides were characterized by intellectual strength and religious character. During her school days she gave evidence of oratorical gifts that have been developed by special training. She studied in the Boston School of Expression and has had private instruction from the leading professors of elocution in this country. She is one of the few women to whom the Methodist Episcopal Church ever granted a license to preach. Her pulpit efforts are remarkable for simplicity and power. In 1980 she went as a missionary to China. She has given an interesting and graphic account of oriental life in her book, "Glimpses into Chinese Homes." In 1886 she returned to the United Slates, where she has devoted herself to moral and religious reforms. She is a national lecturer of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and one of the leading speakers of the National American Suffrage Association. She is especially interested in the subject of woman's advancement in all countries, of which she is an able exponent and persuasive advocate. She is also winning success as a lecturer. Her home is in Round Pond, Me.