< Woman of the Century

CONNER. Mrs. Elizabeth Marney, dramatic reader and educator, born in Rouse's Point, N. Y., 26th February, 1856. At the age of eighteen she became the wife of Marcus A. Conner, of Burlington, Vt., who died in 1881, leaving her with two young sons to care for and educate. It was then Mrs. Conner turned her attention to developing tastes and satisfying ambitions which heretofore had lain dormant. With decided abilities for music, literature and the drama, circumstances led her to choose some form of dramatic work, and she began the careful study of elocution. In January, 1884. the Ruffalo School of Elocution was opened by Mrs. Conner, and since then she has rapidly won her way as teacher and artist in her profession, having gained for herself and school an enviable local reputation, and being well-known in a far wider territory. She is a devotee to the art of which she is a true exponent, and everv instinct of her being is absorbed in the success of' her pupils ELIZABETH MARNEY CONNER.jpgELIZABETH MARNEY CONNER. and the advancement of that branch of education. Her lecture on "Expression" with illustrative readings has been in demand from school, pulpit and platform. She has published recitations in both prose and verse under the pen-name "Paul Veronique," and is the author of the popular operetta "Eulalie." Although her success as a teacher and reader is exceptional, it is considered by many that her true place is on the stage. For that profession she is gifted in a high degree with the essentials of success. She has a strong personality and magnetic presence, intense dramatic fervor, a fine voice and versatile powers of expression. She possesses in addition indomitable pluck, a cheerful, vivacious temperament, and is altogether one of the sunshiny people of the world.

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