BOHAN, Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, author and artist, born in Birmingham, England, 18th August, 1849. She is the daughter of Joseph and Martha Baker. They came to America In 1854 and have lived most of the time in Wisconsin. She received her education in the Milwaukee public schools and was for a time a teacher. She was married to M. Bohan, then editor of the Fond du Lac "Journal." in 1872. They now reside in Milwaukee, Wis., have a pleasant home and are surrounded by four bright children. Mrs. Bohan is the fortunate possessor of a combination of talents. She is a devoted and successful homekeeper, wife and mother. She is a painter of acknowledged ability and of far more than local celebrity. She is something of a musician, and there are many in Milwaukee and other portions of the State who take high rank as painters and musicians who received their first and only instruction from her. From her earliest youth she has practiced composition. As she grew to womanhood the taste for writing increased. She wrote great numbers of poems and a still greater number of prose sketches, but offered none for publication until within the last five or six years Since then large numbers of her poems and sketches have been published in the best papers and magazines throughout the country. She is a close student, seven days in a week, and stores away everything she learns where it can be drawn upon on the instant. While she has done much literary work the past five or six years, it has always been a secondary consideration. Her daily duties have been as numerous and exacting as those of almost any mother, wife and homekeeper, and everything that she has done in a literary way has been accomplished in odd moments, and sometimes when duty to herself required that she be sleeping instead of thinking and writing.