< Woman of the Century

ELIZA DOWNING ALBRIGHT..jpgELIZA DOWNING ALBRIGHT. ALBRIGHT, Mrs. Eliza Downing, church and temperance worker, born in Philadelphia, Penn., 13th March, 1847. She is descended from Puritan ancestry, dating back to that goodly company of 20,000 emigrants, Englishmen of the adventurous and thrifty class whose sails whitened the Atlantic between 1630 and 1640. At the age of eleven years Eliza Downing was graduated from the public schools of Philadelphia, and later she studied under private teachers and in some of the institutes in which the city at that time abounded. In 1867 she was married to the Rev. Louis M. Albright, D. D., a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan University and a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After marriage she was engaged with her husband in teaching mathematics and natural sciences in the Ohio Wesleyan Female College, in Delaware, Ohio. Later she was a teacher of mathematics in Lewis College, Glasgow, Mo., and De Pauw Female College, of which Dr. Albright was president. More recently, in the itinerancy in Ohio, Mrs. Albright has been occupied in good work as a pastor's wife in connection with the churches and districts in which her husband has successively served. For the last six years they have resided in Delaware, Ohio. When the temperance crusade began, Mrs. Albright threw herself into that new movement. She became corresponding secretary of the Ohio Woman's Christian Temperance Union at its organization, in 1877, and for three years, until family cares made necessary her resignation, she did a large amount of work in the way of correspondence and public speaking. She has been identified with the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as district secretary and speaker. At present she is one of the national officers of the Woman's Home Missionary Society and is also chairman of the State executive committee of the Young Woman's Christian Association. A clear and effective speaker, she is in constant demand for public addresses in the interest of these and other causes. While in sympathy with every movement for reform, Mrs. Albright counts her duties to her family first and highest. Naturally a student, with strong physique and great energy, she turns to account every opportunity for personal improvement.

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