FAIRBANKS, Miss Constance, journalist, born in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 10th May, 1866. She belongs to an old provincial family nearly all of whose representatives have possessed more or less literary ability, and several of whom were long associated with the history of Nova Scotia. She is the second child and oldest daughter of L. P. Fairbanks, and is one of a family of nine children. Owing to delicate health when a child, Miss Fairbanks was able to attend school only in an irregular manner, but, being precocious and fond of the society of those older than herself, she gained much knowledge outside of the school-room. At the age of thirteen years she ceased to have systematic instruction, and with patient determination she proceeded to carry on her education by means of careful reading. Finding it necessary to obtain employment, she became, in 1887, secretary to C. F. Eraser, the clever blind editor of the Halifax "Critic," and in that position gained a practical knowledge of the work which now occupies her attention. Gradually, as her ability to write became known, and as she developed a keen recognition of what was required by the public, Miss Fairbanks was placed in charge of various departments of the paper, until in June, 1890, the management of the editorial and certain other departments was virtually transferred to her and has since remained in her charge.