< Woman of the Century

BUTLER. Miss Clementina, evangelist, born in Bareilly. India. 7th January. 1862. Her father, Rev. William Butter, was commissioned in 1856 to open mission work for the Methodist Kpiscopal Church. After passing through great perils during the Sepoy rebellion, in 1857, Bareilly was settled as headquarters. The family moved their home seventeen times during the next eight years. according to the needs of the work. CLEMENTINA BUTLER.jpgCLEMENTINA BUTLER. Returning to the United States, after a few years' rest, Dr. Butler was requested to organize mission work in Mexico. There the linguistic ability of the daughter was of great service. In 1884 Miss Butler went with her parents to revisit her native land, and her observations during an extended tour in that country have served as the theme of many of her addresses and articles. On account of the infirmities of age and the heavy responsibilities borne so long, Dr. and Mrs. Butler reside quietly in Newton Center, Mass., and from their home the daughter goes out to inspire others with her own belief in the glorious possibilities for women in every land, when aided by Christian civilization. Miss Butler is interested in missionary work of all kinds, medical missions for the women of the East being her favorite subject. As a King's Daughter she works in the slums of Boston, besides pleading in the churches and on public platforms for the needy in the uttermost parts of the earth. A short residence in Alaska gave her an insight into the condition of the people there, and she is an ardent champion of their rights in regard to suitable educational grants and the enforcement of the laws prohibiting the sale of liquor in that Territory. Miss Butler is her father's assistant in his literary labors, by which he still aids the cause he served so long. She uses her pen also for missionary publications.

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