MURPHY. Mrs. Claudia Quigley, journalist, born in Toledo, Ohio. 28th March, 1863. She is descended from one of the pioneer settlers of the Maumee valley. Her father is Edward Quigley. and his wife was Eliza Sidley, whose home was in Geauga county, Ohio. The newly-married couple settled in Toledo, Ohio. When five years old. Claudia's school education began in the Ursuline Convent of the Sacred Heart, in her native city. She continued her studies there until 1881, when she commenced the study of medicine with Dr. E. M. Roys Gavitt, the leading woman physician of Toledo and one of the foremost in the State. Mrs. Murphy entered into that work with energy and enthusiasm, but at the end of a year's hard toil her eyes gave out, and she was compelled to abandon labor in that direction. In 1883 she became the wife of M. H. Murphv and continued to make her home in Toledo. Five years later her newspaper work was begun as the Toledo correspondent of the "Catholic Knight," of Cleveland. Ohio, in which position she showed the qualities necessary for success in that field of action. Her next step was into the place of managing editor of the Grand Rapids edition of the "Michigan Catholic." with headquarters in that city. During her stay there she, with two other enterprising women, began the work of organizing the Michigan Woman's Press Association, of which she was elected recording secretary, a position she held until her removal from the State. In the fall of 1890 she went upon the Staff of the Toledo "Commercial," resigning after doing efficient work in order to enter upon a broader field of action. She next became the editor and publisher of the "Woman's Recorder," a bright paper devoted to the interests of women in all directions, and a power in urging the political equality of women with men. She is a very clear and incisive writer. Her courage and energy are inexhaustible, and these are added to a quick brain and ready pen. She was, in December. 1891, the Ohio president of the International Press League, president of the Toledo Political Equality Club, secretary of the Isabella Congressional Directory, and an active worker in the Woman's Suffrage Association of her own city, one of the oldest and nu>st efficient societies in the State of Ohio.