< Woman of the Century

CHAPIN, Mrs. Clara Christiana, woman suffragist and temperance worker, born in Gloucestershire, England, 26th December, 1852. Her maiden name was Morgan. Her father was of Welsh extraction, and her mother came of an old country family the Blagdons, proprietors of the manor of Boddington since the days of William the Conqueror. She was educated in Clifton Ladies' College and passed the Cambridge local examination the only form of university privilege open at that time to girls. She came to the United States with her parents and their five younger children in 1870. The family settled in Fillmore county. Neb., and Clara engaged in teaching. In September, 1872, she became the wife of Clarence C. Chapin, of Sheffield. Mass., and shortly after they removed to Franklin county. Neb., where both took a prominent part in the development of that new CLARA CHRISTIANA CHAPIN.jpgCLARA CHRISTIANA CHAPIN. State. Mr. Chapin served as a member of the State legislature, while his talented wife by the use of her pen and personal influence aided in securing the enactment of the famous Slocum license law, at that time supposed to be the panacea in temperance matters. They also aided materially in securing the temperance educational and scientific law for that State. She was particularly interested in all movements for the advancement of women and took an active part in the woman suffrage campaign of 1882. She was a prominent member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and wrote much for the press on the woman and temperance questions. Being a little body, Mrs. Chapin commonly went by the name "La Petite" among her co-workers in Nebraska, but, though small of stature, she is of that fine mental acumen which gives great individuality and force of character. Though of English birth, Mrs. Chapin's life-work has been and still is American. She now resides, with her husband, son and two daughters, in one of the pleasant suburban towns Chicago, Ill.

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