DREIER, Mrs. Christine Nielson, concert and oratorio singer, born in Madison, Wis., 10th June, 1866. Her father's name is Andrew Nielson, and both parents were among the early Scandinavian immigrants to this country and settled in Chicago in 1851, afterward removing to Madison. Christine Nielson still retains her maiden name on the stage, although she became the wife, 4th June, 1891, of Otto Albert Dreier, since 1886 the Danish Vice-Consul in Chicago, where they make their home. The career of Christine Nielson thus far is a striking example of what energy and perseverance can do for a young woman of genius. Her first teacher, and the one to discover her capabilities, was Prof. T. A. Brand. She then studied with Mrs. Marl De Moe, herself a successful concert singer. Christine began to sing in public at the age of thirteen, attracting, at an orphan's home concert in Madison, the attention of those whose foresight discovered future fame for the young vocalist. She chose Chicago for her more advanced studies, and became the pupil of Mrs. Sara Hershey Eddy. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Eddy to Europe in 1889. and after singing with great success in London, Paris and Copenhagen, she spent a year or more in London as a pupil of George Henschel. Her voice is a contralto of wide range, and the comments of the American and foreign press have been highly Complimentary, showing her to be possessed of unusual musical accomplishments.