DAILEY, Miss Charlotte Field, World's Columbian Exposition official, born in Providence, R. I , 19th December, 1842. She was graduated from Mme. C. Mears' boarding school in New York City. The name Dailey dates back four generations in Rhode Island, and is found as early as 1680 in Easton, Mass. Miss Dailey spent her first winter out of school with friends on the Island of Cuba, where her knowledge of the Spanish language added much to her enjoyment. In 1867 she went abroad with her parents to visit the Paris Exposition. She visited Italy, where her taste for art developed, ind, after seeing Spain and the art-
treasures of that country, she discovered her ability to appreciate and recognize the great masters. Austria, Germany, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and England were visited, and, wherever time permitted, her musical studies were pursued under famous masters, such as Allari, of Rome, and San Giovanni, of Milan. Miss Dailey in her life at home was active in philanthropic work and in associations of artistic, dramatic, musical and literary character. The sudden death of her father, and with it the loss of fortune, made it necessary for her to support herself. Lessons in vocal music and lectures upon art were successfully used as a means to that end. Of late years she has fortunately not found it necessary to overtax her strength. She has spent her winters for the last seven years in Washington, D. C. Her appointment to represent her State on the Board of Lady Managers of the World's Columbian Committee was followed by her appointment as secretary and treasurer of the Board of World's Fair Managers of Rhode Island. Mrs. Potter Palmer further assigned her to the chairmanship of fine arts, in oil-painting, water-colors and other departments.