MEE, Mrs. Cassie Ward, labor champion, born in Kingston, Out., Canada, 16th October, 1848. Her parents and ancestors belonged to the Society of Friends, many of whom were and are prominent and accredited ministers of the society. She was educated and followed teaching for several years in her native city. She came with her husband, Charles Mee, to the United States and settled in Cortland, N. Y., in 1882, where the family now reside. She has gained considerable prominence by her writings. Several years ago she first appeared on the public platform in the cause of temperance. She is a member of the Order of Rebecca, and in 1886 she became a member of Peter Cooper Assembly, No. 3,172, Knights of Labor of Cortland. In August, 1885, she first spoke on the labor question, and her speeches gave her prominence as an advocate of labor. On 12th August, 1886, she addressed ten-thousand people on Boston Common. She received a splendid illuminated address from the Knights of Labor of Kingston, Canada, in token of their appreciation of an address made by her in that city, 14th March, 1887. She has lectured extensively among the miners of Pennsylvania. She is an earnest and powerful speaker and a great
admirer of the principles of the Knights of Labor. Her work is the education of the members of that powerful organization.