PIER, Miss Caroline Hamilton, lawyer, born in Fond du Lac, Wis., 18th September, 1870. She was educated in the public schools of that city and was graduated in the classical course of the high school, after studying music and perfecting herself in various womanly accomplishments, until ready to enter the law school of the Wisconsin University. That she did in 1889, finishing the course in 1891 and receiving the degree of LL. B. She belongs to the firm in Milwaukee, Wis., of which her mother and two sisters are the other members. She is paying special attention to admiralty and maritime law and will make it a specialty. The women of Wisconsin should certainly appreciate the fact that their legislature has been far ahead of those of very many States in granting privileges to, or rather, declaring the rights of women. That Caroline H. Pier will follow in the footsteps of her mother and sister in helping to liberalize the code still more is a very natural belief on the part of those who have watched the remarkable career of the legal quartette thus far.