BOUGHTON, Mrs. Caroline Greenhank, educator and philanthropist, born in Philadelphia, Pa , 9th August, 1854. She is the second daughter of Judge Thomas Greenbank of that city, whose family was of English extraction, a family devout and scholarly, represented in each generation by divines and jurists of superior order. Through her mother she is related to a branch of the North of Ireland gentry, the Huestons of Belfast. Mrs. Boughton was graduated from the Philadelphia Normal School in 1874, fifth in a class of eighty. In the autumn of the same year she began her career as a teacher in Miss Steven's Seminary, Germantown. In 1878 she took charge of the department of history in the Philadelphia Normal School, which position she filled for four years, winning by her talents and enthusiasm an enviable reputation in her profession, and by her charming manners the affectionate regard of all who came under her influence. She was married 25th July, 1882, to J. W. Boughton, a prominent manufacturer and inventor of Philadelphia. Mrs. Boughton, in her connection with the Home Missionary Society of the M. E Church, became especially interested in Indian Missions and was early chosen a manager of the Woman's National Indian Association, a position she filled during five years. That office she exchanged later for that of auditor of the association, in which capacity she has done effective work for three years, and which office she now holds. She was an active member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union until failing health obliged her to curb her energies in that direction. Mrs. Boughton has always been deeply interested in the advancement of women. She is a member of the New Century Club of Philadelphia, and is also a member of the Woman's Suffrage Association, and an earnest advocate of the principles which that body represents.