WINSLOW, Mrs. Caroline B., physician, born in Kent, Eng., 19th October, 1822. She came to the United States with her family in 1826. She received a good education. Becoming interested in medicine, she entered the Eclectic College, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was graduated in June, 1856. She was the first woman graduated in that college and the fifth woman in the United States to graduate in medicine. She practiced successfully in Cincinnati until 1859, and then took a post-graduate course in, and received a diploma from, the Homeopathic College in Cleveland. Ohio. She then went to Utica, N. Y., the home of her parents, where she remained over seven years. After the death of her parents she went to Washington, D. C., in April, 1864. There she served as a regular visitor in military hospitals, under the auspices of the New York agency. After the Civil war she went to Baltimore, Md., for eight months. She then returned to Washington, where she has since lived. In that city she has practiced homeopathy very successfully. In 1877 she opened the first homeopathic pharmacy in Washington, which flourished for some years. She became the wife of Austin C. Winslow on 15th July, 1865. Their life has been a happy one. Dr. Winslow has succeeded in her profession in spite of several accidents and much sickness. Besides her work in medicine, she has done much in other fields, especially in the Moral Education Society of Washington, of which she was president for fourteen years. She edited the "Alpha," the organ of that society, for thirteen years. She has always been a woman-suffragist and an advocate of higher education for all. Notwithstanding her advanced age, she is still active.